
30 2025

1:30p HAWL Mahjong Class-HAS

1:30PM - 3:30PM  

Heska Amuna Synagogue (Conservative) 3811 Kingston Pike
Knoxville, TN

Contact Beverly Wilcox

Amuna Women’s League Is Sponsoring a
Mahjong Class

Robin Brown and Judi Abrams, teachers par excellence, will guide your adventures in learning. Meet Thursdays at 1:30 pm at the synagogue and plan on 4 sessions of instruction beginning January 23 (new date).

Open to all: Heska Amuna members, men, women, and friends (Small charge for non-members of Women’s League).

Already play? Come on down and join your fellow players for some enjoyable Thursday afternoons at Heska Amuna.

Interested? please contact Peggy Littmann 865-776-1013 or plittmann@