Rescheduled to Jan 25 due to weather concerns.
It's time for Kids Night Out at SkyZone trampoline park! We'll have plenty of time to jump, then snacks and a special Havdalah program with Miriam Esther at 8:00pm. Parents are welcome to stay and watch - or head out for date night or Adults Night Out. *Children age 4 and younger must be accompanied by an adult at SkyZone.*
Admission is $20 per jumper, watchers are free. Special SkySocks are required inside the park and are included in the price.
Adult Meet Up at Crafty Bastard West at 7:00pm. First drink and snacks are on us! Drop off the kiddos and come meet up with fellow parents for a casual sip & schmooze.
This event is open to all Jewish families and organized by PJ Library Knoxville, Stanford Eisenberg Knoxville Jewish Day School, and Temple Beth El Religious School. This program is made possible through an engagement grant from PJ Library, a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation.
Sponsor: PJ Library Knoxville, Stanford Eisenberg KJDS, Temple Beth El Religious School, & The Harold Grinspoon Foundation