Supporting Organization of the Knoxville Jewish Alliance and East Tennessee Foundation

Our Mission

Preserve and Strengthen Our Jewish Community

The Knoxville Jewish Community Family of Funds, created under the auspices of the Knoxville Jewish Federation in September 1999, serves to preserve and strengthen the Jewish Community. 

Through the development and management of endowment, long-term, and donor-advised funds, the KJCFF strives to improve Jewish Community life and local community activities, as well as regional and national activities, and to protect Jews in need of social services everywhere.  Also, it allows the Jewish Community to maintain its strong ties to Israel and the Jewish people throughout the world.
These funds support activities such as scholarships, religious, educational and cultural programs for children, youth, adults and the elderly, social service needs for individuals and families, and other activities promoting and strengthening the Jewish community and the general community of East Tennessee.   
The KJCFF endeavors to increase the Jewish Community's philanthropic capacity by working with the East Tennessee Foundation and the Knoxville Jewish Alliance as a supporting organization.  It identifies, cultivates, and solicits individuals, families, corporations and agencies to establish funds with the KJCFF.  KJCFF also endeavors to build permanent endowments of annual campaign gifts to various Jewish organizations and funds that support the infrastructure necessary to develop and deliver the services and programs of the Jewish Community.

Our Goals

KJCFF strives to

  • Strengthen and improve the Jewish Community of East Tennessee 

  • Increase Jewish Philanthropy in East Tennessee 

  • Build Endowments for Permanent Gifts to Organizations of the Knoxville Jewish Community 

  • Promote the Infrastructure of the Knoxville Jewish Community Necessary To Develop and Deliver Services and Programs 

  • Provide Funds for Religious, Cultural, and Educational Activities  

  • Support Social Service Needs of Individual and Families 

  • Administer Endowment, Long-term, and Donor-Advised Funds 

  • Support the General Community of East Tennessee

Links & Forms

Use the links below for more information about our funds, to access forms, and to make donations.

KJCFF Funds List
A complete list of KJCFF funds and their purposes.

KJCFF Grant Request
Use this form to submit grant requests

Online Donation
Donate to a KJCFF Fund online

Donate to KJCFF
To donate to a KJCFF fund, please submit this form with your check

Thank you for supporting important services and programs for our community.

The Board of Directors of the Knoxville Jewish Community Family of Funds thanks the Knoxville Jewish Community, the staff of the Knoxville Jewish Alliance and the East Tennessee Foundation for their support and encouragement.  The KJCFF encourages you to help ensure the healthy future of our Knoxville Jewish community by including a commitment to the KJCFF in your financial and estate planning.

KJCFF Board of Directors

President: Stephen Rosen
Secretary/TreasurerJacki Imbrey

Jeff Becker, Mark Bernstein, Wendy Besmann, Adam Brown, Arnold Cohen, Bob Goodfriend, Scott B. Hahn, Richard Jacobstein, Carole Martin, Mary Ann Merrell, Rosalie Nagler, Howard Pollock, Karen Robinson, Bernard Rosenblatt

KJCFF Administrative Director

Laura Sadler,

Our Partners

KJCFF is proud to partner with the following local Jewish organziations: