List of KJCFF Fund and Their Purposes

Heska Amuna Synagogue Funds

  • Monte and Marion Abrams Religious School Fund
    For the operation of the Heska Amuna Religious School

  • Cohen-Presser Designated Fund
    For improvements to the physical plant of Heska Amuna Synagogue and may also be made available for procuring and engraving plaques for the donor wall established by Mr. and Mrs. Joslyn Presser

  • Heska Amuna Building Assessment Fund
    To provide funds for capital improvements, expansions and emergency repairs to the building and property of Heska Amuna Synagogue.

  • Heska Amuna Cemetery Fund
    To maintain and improve the New Jewish Cemetery

  • Heska Amuna Educational Enrichment Fund
    To enhance and enrich educational programs of Heska Amuna Synagogue

  • Heska Amuna Educators Supplement Fund
    To supplement the salary/benefits compensation package of the Heska Amuna educational director and teachers in the religious school

  • Heska Amuna Religious School Capital Fund
    For capital improvements, capital equipment acquisition, and emergency repairs to the Heska Amuna Religious School

  • Heska Amuna Sisterhood General Fund
    To benefit Heska Amuna Sisterhood

  • Heska Amuna Sisterhood Judaica Shop Fund
    To benefit beautification projects for Heska Amuna Synagogue

  • Heska Amuna Synagogue 2019 Fund
    For purposes of paying a parsonage allowance (or such purposes in support of Heska Amuna Synagogue as the Fund Committee determines should Heska Amuna not be required to pay a parsonage allowance)

  • Herb and Elise Jacobs Fund
    For Heska Amuna Synagogue capital improvements and other needs as determined by the fund committee

  • Bryan Merrell Memorial Fund
    To support Heska Amuna congregants and programs, including providing for those whose financial situation prevents them from being able to attend programs that are designed to broadly increase affiliation with Conservative Judaism

  • Sylvia Robinson Memorial Fund
    For educational and programmatic musical experiences for Heska Amuna Synagogue

  • Rosenthal Environment Fund
    To provide financial support to activities of Heska Amuna Synagogue relating to environmental preservation and conservation

  • Zelda and Miles Siegel Flower Fund
    To buy flowers for the Heska Amuna Synagogue sanctuary, primarily for the High Holidays

  • Bradley Sturm Memorial Fund
    To enhance and enrich the Jewish education of youth from the greater Knox and Anderson Counties of Tennessee

Jewish Congregation of Oak Ridge Funds

  • Frances Sturm Cultural Fund of the Jewish Congregation of Oak Ridge
    For enhancing and furthering Jewish educational and cultural activities

Knoxville Jewish Alliance Funds

  • Alliance Opportunity Fund
    For the general benefit of the KJA
  • Arnstein Jewish Community Center Endowment Fund
    For capital improvements to the AJCC
  • David Blumberg Youth Leadership Award Fund
    To provide support to KJA for its leadership training and award program for KJA members under the age of 35
  • B'nai Tzedek Legacy Fund
    Overall fund for the individual B’nai Tzedek teen philanthropy funds
  • William "Bill" Brody Fund
    For the general benefit of the KJA
  • Gordon Brown Youth Recreation Fund
    To support recreational and sports-related activities for children ages 18 months to 18 years
  • Abe Collins Cultural Fund
    To provide support to the KJA for cultural programs, which may include musical, singing, or other productions
  • Milton Collins Cultural Fund
    To provide support to KJA for programming, which may include musical, singing, or other productions
  • Fribourg-Brunschwig Holocaust Memorial Education Fund
    To pay for or supplement educational activities for non-Jewish not-for-profit organizations, and for public or private middle or high schools in East Tennessee and their teachers with their students, in order to transmit information about the events of the 1933-1945 years in Europe, collectively known as the Holocaust (Shoah), its consequences and aftermaths
  • Sam & Millie Gelber Fund
    To provide support for indigent members of the Knoxville Jewish community
  • Goldberg Family AJCC Pool Fund
    To support the Arnstein Jewish Community Center pool
  • Debra and Irwin Gordon Fund
    To benefit the Gordon Family Scholarship, a program of the Knoxville Jewish Alliance
  • Alice Greenberg Fund
    To supplement and/or offset the future expenses of the AJCC preschool program
  • Hillel at UTK Endowment Fund
    To support the Hillel at UTK program of the Knoxville Jewish Alliance
  • Israel Partnership2Gether Fund
    To support participation for the Partnership2Gether program
  • Jewish Family Service Fund
    For the benefit of the Jewish Family Services program of the KJA
  • KJA Archives Fund
    To benefit the Knoxville Jewish Alliance Barbara Winick Bernstein Archives of the Jewish Community of Knoxville and East Tennessee
  • KJA Director’s Fund
    To support the expenses associated with the Executive Director’s salary and benefit package
  • Hannah and Raymond Landsberger Preschool Fund
    To provide scholarship support for AJCC preschool families
  • Marilyn and Harvey Liberman Health and Wellness Fund
    To benefit health and wellness initiatives for the Knoxville Jewish community
  • Licht-McGuire Jewish Food Fund
  • To benefit Jewish food education and experiences
  • Zelda & Max Morrison Cultural Enrichment Fund
    To help the AJCC provide quality cultural programming of Jewish content, such as musical programs, lectures, or similar entertainment
  • Preschool at AJCC Capital Fund
    To support capital improvements for the Preschool at AJCC only
  • Dewey Reich Chesed Shel Emet Fund
    To provide support for the mitzvah of chesed shel emet, caring for the interment of those who cannot afford it, and who will never be able to return the kindness
  • Allen Rosen Education Fund
    For the general benefit of the KJA
  • Sam & Esther Rosen Friendshippers Fund
    To provide support to the KJA for subsidizing the needs, as in the areas of recreation, education, and other generalized services, of the Jewish elderly and infirm in Knoxville
  • Dr. Bernard S. Rosenblatt Fund
    For the general benefit of the KJA
  • Miles & Zelda Siegel Fund for Knoxville’s Jewish Elderly
    To provide support to the KJA for its program of services for Jewish elderly members of Knoxville
  • Zionist Organization Fund
    To provide support to KJA for its program of planting trees in Israel in honor of newborn births and Bar/Bat Mitzvahs
  • Ben & Pearl Zwick Fund
    To provide support for quality KJA programs of an entertaining or cultural nature

Knoxville Jewish Day School Funds

  • Becker KJDS Hebrew Education Fund
    To provide funding to support the Hebrew Program of the Knoxville Jewish Day School
  • KJDS Fund
    For the general benefit of KJDS
  • Harold and Ida Markman Endowment Fund for Education
    To provide support to KJDS for educational enrichment
  • Lucas and Debbie Richman Endowment Fund for the Arts
    To provide support to KJDS for arts programming
  • Sternfels Family Knoxville Jewish Day School Tuition Aid Fund
    To provide need-based tuition aid to Jewish families of Knoxville Jewish Day School

Middlesboro Jewish Cemetery

  • Middlesboro Jewish Cemetery Fund
    To address the maintenance and perpetual needs of the Middlesboro Jewish Cemetery

Knoxville Jewish Community Family of Funds (Donor-Advised Funds)

  • Allen, Leibowitz, Pearson Family Fund
    To benefit Jewish and non-Jewish charitable organizations and institutions, regardless of geographic location

  • Jeff & Nancy Becker Community Enrichment Fund
    For general charitable purposes

  • Bernard E. & Barbara W. Bernstein Charitable Fund
    For general charitable purposes

  • Besmann Family Fund for Social Justice and Spiritual Enrichment
    To benefit the activities, events, or projects created by Knox County organizations for the purpose of promoting social justice and/or spiritual enrichment in Knox County.

  • Harry & Mollie Brietstein Memorial Fund
    To benefit Jewish causes

  • Sharon Brietstein Memorial Fund
    To benefit mental health causes

  • Brody Branton Fund
    To benefit the Knoxville Jewish community

  • Adam Brown Donor Advised Fund
    To benefit the Knoxville Jewish community

  • EAR Fund
    For general charitable purposes

  • Ferency Family Fund
    For general charitable purposes

  • Mark & Carol Harris Family Fund
    To benefit the Knoxville Jewish community

  • Imbrey Community Fund
    To benefit the Jewish community

  • Bernard and Stella Iroff Family Philanthropic Fund
    For general charitable purposes

  • Merrell Family Fund
    To benefit Jewish and non-Jewish charitable organizations and institutions, regardless of geographic location

  • Miriam’s Well
    For general charitable purposes

  • David & Deborah Oleshansky Family Fund
    To further causes of peace and justice in the world

  • Alice, George and Kenneth Palmer Fund for Arts and Sciences
    To support programs, art purchases, lectures and scholarships, but may also support other causes as determined by the fund committee

  • Ted & Dolly Reback Knoxville Youth Fund
    To benefit Knoxville Jewish youth, primarily through the Knoxville BBYO program and activities

  • Natalie & Mitchell Robinson Community Enrichment Fund
    To benefit the Knoxville Jewish community and other Jewish communities as determined by the Fund committee

  • Pace & Karen Robinson Philanthropic Fund
    For general charitable purposes

  • Arielle Rosen Donor Advised Fund
    To benefit various organizations and causes including but not limited to Jewish and educational organizations

  • Nathan Rosen Donor Advised Fund
    To benefit various organizations and causes including but not limited to Jewish and educational organizations

  • Tifannie Rosen Donor Advised Fund
    To benefit various organizations and causes including but not limited to Jewish and educational organizations

  • Sam & Esther Rosen Community Enrichment AJCC Fund
    To benefit the AJCC

  • Sam & Esther Rosen Community Enrichment Federation Fund
    To benefit the KJA

  • Sam & Esther Rosen Community Enrichment Synagogue Fund
    To benefit Heska Amuna Synagogue

  • Stephen & Kim Rosen Donor Advised Fund
    To benefit various organizations and causes including, but not limited to, Jewish and educational organizations

  • Pat and Gene Rosenberg Fund
    To benefit various organizations and causes, including, but not limited to, Jewish, educational, and environmental organizations

  • Sturm Brothers’ Fund
    For general charitable purposes

  • Weinstein Family Fund
    For general charitable purposes


Your gift helps strengthen the Jewish community in Knoxville and around the world. Thank you!