This year is a leap year for the secular calendar (February 19, 2024) and the Jewish calendar (Adar II 5784) - a double leap year like this won't happen again until 2052- 5812!
Join us at Muse Knoxville where we will have the entire children's museum to ourselves! All of the fun hands-on exhibits, activities, and play spaces will be open for our use, as well as a special planetarium show about leap year and a tour of the Knoxville Night Sky.
This event is open to all families in our Jewish community, organized by PJ Library Knoxville, Stanford Eisenberg Knoxville Jewish Day School, and Temple Beth El Religious School. This program is made possible through an engagement grant from PJ Library, a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation.
Sponsor: PJ Library Knoxville, Knoxville Jewish Day School, Temple Beth El Religious School, & The Harold Grinspoon Foundation