
4 2017

5:00 - 9:00 p.m. - YJAK Backyard BBQ and Pool Party - AJCC Pool

5:00PM - 8:30PM  

AJCC Pool 6800 Deane Hill Drive
Knoxville, TN 37919
865-690-6343 office@jewishknoxville.org


YJAK invites the community to join us after Knoshville for an adults only Backyard BBQ. We will provide live music, kosher dogs, local craft beer and of course, the pool. If you have kids, you deserve a break. Leave them at home or if you require babysitting at the event, please pre-register at activities@yjak.org. Spend a couple hours getting to know some of the young adults around town.

This event is open to all people, 21 and up. It is at the AJCC, so most of the people will be Jewish, but there is no religious requirement. Feel free to bring your friends.

Entry to the event is free, but the beer is not, so bring some cash. Also, shameless plug, we are taking donations to YJAK

We hope you can make it!
