You Are Invited…
To Make a Plan to Voice Your Choice
Thursday, April 7 7:00 p.m. at the Arnstein Jewish Community Center Orwitz Room (6800 Deane Hill Drive)
Dr. Greg Phelps, of UTMC and UT Hospice, will discuss how and when you should give direction about the kind of life you would prefer to live up to the end—in other words, how to “voice your choice.”
Dr. Phelps will discuss Tennessee advance directives, health care decision-making, and what drives current health care choices. With a strong, practical sense of ethics (and humor), Phelps will help us look at how best to voice our choices.
Phelps is a family physician who is board-certified in palliative medicine. A clinical assistant professor of family medicine at the University of Tennessee Medical Center, he serves as medical director of UT Hospice.
Everyone is invited to this meeting.