
11 2018

9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. - Mitzvah Day - AJCC Grounds

9:30AM - 12:30PM  

AJCC 6800 Deane Hill Drive
Knoxville, TN 37919
865.690.6343 office@jewishknoxville.org


Community Wide Mitzvah Day 2018

Sunday February 11

9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Arnstein Jewish

Community Center

6800 Deane Hill Drive


The day will included activities for all ages. B'yachad, Religious Schools of Temple Beth El and Heska Amuna, and Morning Minyan will meet at the AJCC.
Activities for Adults include:
· Annual Campaign phone calls
· MEDIC blood drive
· Gift of Life bone marrow donation registry
· Challah dough making
· Archives interviews
· Various deep cleaning, painting, and repair projects
Donation Items:
Bags of supplies for People who are Homeless
(continuing Zach Scott’s Bar Mitzvah project)
· Crunchy granola bars
· Peanut butter (especially the smaller packets)
· Tuna pouches
· Sandwich crackers
· Nuts
· Water bottles
· Juice boxes
· Socks
· Knit caps
· Hand wipes
Area Veterans
· Chapstick
· Shaving Cream
· Combs
· Reading glasses
· Slippers
Susannah’s House (Hadassah Knoxville)
· Baby and toddler items (diapers, wipes, clothing, bibs)
· Women’s toiletries
Second Harvest Food Bank
· Non-perishable food items
· Protein items—peanut butter, tuna, canned chicken, beans,
Soup (pull-off lids please)
** Please try to bring healthy foods (low sodium for example)
Support the Girls—women in homeless shelters (Heska Amuna)
· Women’s undergarments
· Feminine sanitary supplies