
14 2019

Noon KJA Friendshippers - Sherrill Hills

12:00PM - 2:00PM  

Sherrill Hills 271 Moss Grove Blvd
Knoxville, TN

Contact Laura Sadler

Our Wednesday, August 14 program features

UT McClung Museum

Civil War Curator Joan Markel



All are welcome.

You don’t have to be 55 and up;

we don’t card at the door!


Friendshippers meets with

lunch at noon and our program

starts at 1:00 p.m.


Sherrill Hills Retirement Community,

271 Moss Grove Blvd, Knoxville 37922


Joan Markel, PhD, is the Civil War curator for UT’s McClung Museum and an educational award winner for her efforts to make Civil War history come to life.


Lunch is $8.00, with no charge for those who attend the program only.


Please RSVP to Laura Berry at 690-6343 x18

or email her at

Need a ride? Contact Laura by Friday before the program.