
17 2017

Noon KJA Friendshippers - Sherrill Hills

12:00PM - 1:45PM  

Sherrill Hills 271 Moss Grove Boulevard
Knoxville, TN 37922

Contact Laura Sadler


By Laura Faye Berry, BSSW, Esq., Director


Please join us for this month’s Friendshippers program.  The Friendshippers group gets together once a month for lunch and entertainment.  Friendshippers is open to all—we don’t check IDs at the door!


Wednesday, May 17: Tom Harrington: “Up and Down the Valley – Cades Cove”​

In this presentation the history of Cades Cove and the lives of its citizens is reviewed from the time the first Anglo Saxon settlers arrived in 1818 until the national park was established June 15, 1934.  Among the things covered is what happened in Cades Cove during the Civil War (The Cove was largely Union supporters).

Program location: Sherrill Hills Retirement Community, 271 Moss Grove Blvd. Knoxville, TN 37922


The luncheon begins at noon and the program begins at 1:00 PM.  Lunch is $8.  There is no cost for attending the program alone.  Transportation is available upon request—please have your ride requests in by the Monday morning before the program.  For more information, please contact Laura Berry at 690-6343 ext. 18 or