
19 2016

6:45p Mussar - TBE

6:45PM - 8:00PM  

Temple Beth El (Reform Temple) 3037 Kingston Pike
Knoxville, TN

Contact Secretary Temple Beth El


According to Dr. Alan Morinis, leader and instructor in a contemporary approach to mussar: Mussar is a thousand-year-old Jewish system for personal growth, specifically in the realm of character improvement through self-discipline.  It provides a distinctively Jewish answer to the sorts of questions any thinking person asks about life:
• Why do I keep making the same mistakes over and over?
• Why do I cause pain to myself and others?
• What steps can I take to bring my life closer to its spiritual potential?

Improving character begins with critically examining character traits, called middot, such as truth, anger, kindness, and gratitude.

• How do these traits define my persona?
• How do I tune into them?
• How do I sacralize them?

Come, explore!
Wednesdays, 6.45 - 8.00pm
 10/19 & 26
 11/2, 9, 16 & 30
 12/7, 14, 21 & 28 
Temple Beth El
Contact Rabbi Saulson, Facilitator, rabbi@tbeknox.org or 865.524.3521