WRJ - Susan Bass
Friday, March 13, 2020
6:00 pm Shabbat dinner*
7:00 pm Shabbat services and Oneg hosted by TBE Sisterhood
Saturday, March 14
10:30 am Brunch and Torah study at the home of Brian and Karen Smith*
Exodus 30:11-34:35
6:30 pm Covered dish dinner and havdalah at the home of John Lomax and Wilma Weinstein Lomax*
Discussion on Women's reproductive rights
Sunday, March 15
10:00 - 12 noon Why WRJ? Discussion circle
*Everyone is welcome (including spouses), but we do ask you to reserve a place for these events.
For additional information, please contact
Wilma Weinstein Lomax, TBE Sisterhood President
865 296 3017