The Way We Were

Our archives monthly photo for "The Way We Were" depends on YOU! Send your historical records & photos to or contact Nicki Russler, Archivist, at 690-6343.

1933 Heska Amuna Confirmation Class

1933 Heska Amuna Confirmation Class Send your photos (noting who, what, where, when) to or contact the archivist at (865) 690-6343.

1970 Kindergarten Consecration at Temple Beth El

1970 Kindergarten Consecration at Temple Beth El - These five youngsters were given miniature Torahs at their consecration service that October. Send your photos of “The Way We Were” (including who, what, when, and where) to or by leaving the photo at the…

1990 Hadassah World Festival

Send your photos (including who, what, when, where) of “The Way We Were” to, or contact the archivist at (865) 690-6343.

1947 Kindergarten Graduation at the Jewish Community Center Sunday School

This Sunday School for all Jewish children in Knoxville ran for twenty-five years, from 1931 through 1956.